We are thrilled to share the latest progress update on our Connecting Tradeswomen project, funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Canadian Apprenticeship Strategy. Click here to read a snapshot of what’s been happening as of April 2024.
Why is this important?
• The percentage of the total apprenticeship registrations by women has remained low and constant (11-12%) over the past 5 years (2018-2022) .
• The percentage of total certificates granted to women has dropped over the same time period (from 12% of all certificates granted in 2018 to 9.6% in 2022) .
What can help improve women’s experience in skilled trades and reduce barriers?
Mentorship has emerged as a key success factor for women in apprenticeship programs. Why is mentorship so important? In addition to training, mentors are a source of knowledge and can help apprentices navigate both personal relationships and the informal networks crucial to steady employment.
Mentorship helps develop technical and professional growth, provides valuable networking opportunities and enhances confidence, self-esteem and job satisfaction. Organizations and workplaces benefit from increased employee satisfaction, commitment and a stronger sense of connectedness among both mentors and mentees.
Networking and mentorship initiatives have proven to be valuable in supporting women in the trades. Like all apprentices, women need workplace mentors to help them get the necessary training and build network connections to facilitate future opportunities.
Calling all tradeswoman! We want to hear from you to help shape this project!
We are looking to recruit women in trades (at all career stages) to participate in a comprehensive program of training, coaching and mentorship. It’s important we provide the right support, at the right time to address the current needs of tradeswomen. Tell us what you need!
Over the course of this project, we expect there will be opportunities for cohorts of tradeswomen to participate in training and mentoring, and for them to have a voice in shaping program improvements for future cohorts.
Do you represent an organization that supports tradeswomen? Let’s partner!
We can accomplish more when we work together. We plan to expand the support network for tradeswomen and establish partnership agreements with national, regional and local organizations able to assist in identifying both mentors and mentees in identified trades.
For more information, please contact:
Toby Michaud, Project Manager, Connecting Tradeswomen, WinSETT