Red Cross Learning Management System Project

This project will support engagement and community building for women in SETT participating in WinSETT’s workshops and events. This will be enabled through implementation of a learning management system (LMS).

Members of the team include: Carrie Vos, Kandis Neth, Edna Dach, and Katherine Sinex. This project began in June 2023. The first phase of the project which was to determine the best software is complete. The software package has been chosen and the contract has been signed with Howspace.

With the application being chosen, work has now been focusing on the implementation of the Learning and Development modules to meet the needs for WinSETT. Kandis and Katherine have been working together to implement the appropriate WinSETT branding across the platform. The committee held a face-to-face meeting in March with the LMS project team and members of the WinSETT board to share the milestones of this project. It was exciting to see the potential of Howspace and the possibilities for our virtual experiences. The team is working towards a test run using one of our existing modules. This project will be completed in June 2024.




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